Battle of the Atlantic Research and Expedition Group

IMH is pleased and proud to welcome the Battle of the Atlantic Research and Expedition Group as an affiliate organization.  The Group is focused on studying the history of the Battle of the Atlantic in both World Wars, and assessing the physical remains of those battles along the Atlantic coast.  We will share assets, fieldwork, information, and membership.

One possible field project, to commence in 2014 in cooperation with NOAA and the Maryland Historical Trust, will be an assessment of approximately 170 wooden steamers that were built in WWI and now lie in the Potomac River in or near Mallows Bay, Maryland.  See the attached image of one of them.

Archival projects may include researching Vritish and American technical evaluations of the German “Alberich” anechoic rubber tiles that coated the U-1105 and other U-boats

Other projects are also under consideration.